Judge's comments: 

The Fisher's Net Awards was started to promote the use of the internet to evangelize the world. For years now, Bishop Barron has been inspiring us with his powerful teachings, commentary, resources, and wit. He's been showing us exactly what it looks like to engage a secular audience in the new public square. Congratulation Bishop Barron and all the other winners. Keep up the good work and may you continue to inspire the rest of us!

YouTube: youtube.com/user/wordonfirevideo (67,000 subscribers)
Twitter: @bishopbarron (75,400 followers)

These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at WordOnFire.org. Fr. Barron is currently producing an epic series called "Catholicism" for TV and DVD. Watch the trailer at WordOnFire.org.



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